Features for Importers

Built by regulatory specialists, our platform supports automated supplier feeds, 24/7 compliance and supplier monitoring, document management, a supply chain marketplace, and more.

Features for Exporters

Monitor your own shipments, manage your documents and discover what documents are required, promote your products to potential importers, and more.

Automated Supplier Feed

Get to know your suppliers and stay compliant every month. With Automated Supplier Feed, you can identify overseas supplier information, see their compliance history, and prevent legal repercussions by managing potential risk.

Compliance Monitor for Exporters

Keep track of your facilities’ FDA compliance history and get direct access to data that most importers receive first, such as notifications of Import Alerts, refusals, warning letters, or detentions.


Compliance Monitor

Assess supplier compliance in real time. We make compliance quick and easy™ by offering 24/7 monitoring with immediate updates on any published supplier, including FDA registrations, inspections, and Import Alerts. Easily access their compliance history so you can make proactive supply chain decisions.

Exporter Marketplace

Our Marketplace makes it easy to promote products to U.S. importers. Share product details and regulatory history so you can showcase yourself as a compliant supplier, generate new business, and introduce new goods to the U.S. market.

Importer Marketplace

Connect with new, compliant exporters. Access to supplier product details, shipment history, and compliance status makes selection easy. Network with potential international contacts, and strengthen your supply chain with the click of a button.

Buyer Insights

Diversify your suppliers and products through direct access to top exporters worldwide, and save time and money by making data-driven purchasing decisions.

Automated Compliance has even more features
for importers and exporters alike.


A simple and effective way to identify exporters’ compliance status. We use a proprietary algorithm and aggregated data from 6+ government databases to give suppliers a compliance score based on their audits, inspections, warning letters, import alerts, refusals, and recalls.

DMS With Automated Intelligence

DMS with automated intelligence simplifies compliance by automatically suggesting documentation needed to achieve FDA compliance. Exporters and importers can request, access, and share documents directly within the easy-to-use technology platform. 

Supply chain risk management made easy.

Whether you’re an importer or exporter, Automated Compliance has the tools you need to build a strong and diverse supply chain and assure better compliance.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • An evaluation of each foreign supplier for approval prior to importing food and regular verification of each foreign supplier’s compliance history with FDA
  • An evaluation of foreseeable hazards associated with each type of food and regular verification that each foreign supplier’s processes and practices meet the applicable FDA food safety requirements
  • Taking prompt corrective actions when non-compliance is discovered
  • Documentation of all FSVP-related activities and maintenance of FSVP records
  • Designation of a qualified individual to conduct all FSVP-related activities
  • Identification of the FSVP importer at entry
  • Maintain brand credibility by ensuring that consumer safety is a top priority and all products you import meet FDA food safety requirements
  • FDA is increasing the frequency of remote FSVP inspections
  • If you are found non-compliant by FDA and unprepared to take corrective action, penalties can escalate from a public warning letter, damaging brand reputation, being added to an Import Alert 99-41, detaining shipments at port

Importers who conduct compliance processes manually spend at least 80 hours and thousands of dollars per supplier in their FSVP plan. Automated Compliance will streamline processes to save you significant time and money with the following features:

  • Auto Supplier Feed sources all your latest supplier data directly from FDA, eliminating need to check 6 FDA sources manually
  • Compliance Monitor tracks and alerts you in real-time of any changes in your suppliers’ compliance
  • The Document Management System centralizes all documents and notifies when updated documents are needed
  • Marketplace allows you to quickly search for new compliant replacement suppliers

Yes – Automated Compliance is not just for those with many suppliers. Regardless of how many suppliers you work with, FDA still requires you to monitor and document the verification you have conducted. Using the Automated Supplier Feed, you can make sure that you are tracking the right supplier facilities in your FSVP plan. We have worked with small importers who have accidentally tracked supplier offices instead of the actual facilities, which meant their FSVP plan was not in compliance. With Compliance Monitor, they were able to address this quickly and begin consistently tracking all the right suppliers

Beyond this, they were also able to use Compliance Monitor to receive supplier compliance status changes in real time. Real-time data is even more important when you have a limited number of suppliers and need to take prompt action or find an immediate replacement to avoid business disruptions.

  • Registrar Corp is established earlier with 15+ years of FDA regulatory expertise
  • Automated Compliance Software costs 2-8x less than other alternatives on the market
  • Unique Auto-Supplier Feed pulls supplier data directly from FDA to provide the most accurate and latest suppliers list
  • Marketplace utilizes patented risk assessment tool, Regiscore, to help you proactively find compliant suppliers
  • Importers who use Automated Compliance save countless hours and thousands of dollars annually.
  • Small importer client – Saved $20,000 in potential detention costs and $16,500 in annual compliance labor costs by using Automated Compliance to quickly address FDA Warning Letter and automate their supplier monitoring
  • Lipari (Food Service Distributor)– Saved 800+ hours annually and $50,000 per shipment by proactively monitoring 40+ suppliers’ compliance statuses
  • Nathel & Nathel (Produce Distributor) – Saved 6,000 hours annually and $100,000 in annual labor costs by automating compliance for their $1,000+ suppliers
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