Marco Theobold
Director of Medical Device and Drug Services
Home » Marco Theobold
Registrar Corp Industry Expert
Since joining Registrar Corp in 2009, Mr. Theobald supervises a department of 20 regulatory specialists providing FDA regulatory services for pharmaceuticals, medical devices, radiation emitting devices and cosmetics. Over the years, he has represented Registrar Corp several times at trade shows and conferences, including MEDICA, FIME, and the UDI Conference as well as presented multiple webinars on medical device and cosmetic requirements, which were attended by businesses around the globe.
Mr. Theobald was born in Germany and holds a Ph. D. from the University of Giessen/Germany in Biology/Genetics. He has more than twenty years of experience in Regulatory Consulting, Technical Services, Customer Service, and Team Leading.
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Scopri la differenza tra l’autorizzazione della FDA e l’approvazione della FDA e come si applicano ai dispositivi medici e ai farmaci.
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Naviga facilmente tra le presentazioni di DMF Health Canada. Registrar Corp garantisce che i tuoi dati riservati siano gestiti e conformi in modo sicuro.
Proteggi i tuoi dati proprietari con le presentazioni del Drug Master File alla FDA. Affidati a Registrar Corp per l’assistenza e la riservatezza degli esperti.