根据美国农业部(USDA)的数据,消费者对有机食品的需求正在上升。 研究表明,需求增加是由于健康和环境问题,以及对动物人道待遇的担忧。 不断增长的市场使将产品标记为有机产品成为一个有吸引力的选择,但这样做的法规是什么? 可以简单地将“有机”一词添加到食品标签中吗? 答案是不。
美国农业部国家有机计划 (NOP) 规定了有机食品标准和声明。 根据美国农业部的说法,“有机食品是在不使用大多数传统农药的情况下生产的; 用合成成分或污水污泥制成的肥料; 生物工程; 或电离辐射。有机食品也按照国家允许和禁止物质清单(国家清单)生产。为了标记为有机产品,产品通常必须由经美国农业部认证的认证机构进行有机认证。 认证代理遍布世界各地,并将检查农场或设施,以确保产品按照 USDA NOP 标准种植和处理。
产品必须至少为 95% 的有机物,才能在其标签上加盖 USDA 有机印章,或声称是有机物或“由有机成分制成”。 下图展示了有机食品标签的其他一些要求。
A person who labels a product “organic” when they know it does not meet USDA standards is subject to a fine of up to $11,000 for each violation. Organic farms and businesses with a gross agricultural income from organic sales of less than $5,000 may label their products as organic without being certified. However, they cannot use the USDA organic seal or refer to their products as “certified organic.” Aside from the certification requirement, other USDA organic labeling requirements still apply. Organic foods must comply with both USDA’s organic labeling regulations and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) food labeling regulations. Registrar Corp assists food facilities with U.S. FDA compliance. Registrar Corp’s Label and Ingredient Review Specialists can review and modify a food label for FDA compliance, as well as offer guidance regarding organic and other claims. Clients receive a detailed report and a print-ready graphic file of their label that incorporates Registrar Corp’s suggested changes. For questions regarding organic claims or assistance with a food label, contact Registrar Corp at +1-757-224-0177 or via 24-hour Live Help at www.registrarcorp.com/livehelp.